I’m here to share some of my visual and audio work. I’m an Anglo-American living in the eastern region of the USA. New Hampshire. According to my friend, I look like this from the left side:

We were visiting the DIA museum where I utterly fell in love with the craziness of art. Again. And Richard Stella… And i decided to make a place where I can organize and present the things that go through my brain, my hands, this voice.
I’m decidedly a musician, it’s what I’ve always done and it’s what I’ll always do. But other things grab me. And I let them. Its so important to be following these artistic urges. How else to live?
A few of the other things: Farming, conquering the most difficult fiddle, sourdough bread baking, damn mower mechanics, sugaring, yoga teaching, dog training…. currently I’m working with my best friend’s best friend on early American wall murals, removing and relocating – in early American houses. Now put that in a blender and you’ve got me.
And none of this mentions what I was doing this time last year…!